Mire se erdhet ne faqen time

Biografia ime

Fotot e mia

Libri i vizitorve

Melodi per Nokia


Erin Galloway

2 Pac

Michael Jordan


Welcome to Ismet's Page


Mire se erdhet vizitore te nderuar.....

Ju pershendes te gjitheve juve vizitor te nderuar ku do qe jeni.......

Duke ju deshiruar qaste te mira gjate shfletimit te faqes sime.........

Eshte nje kenaqesi per mua qe ju po kaloni disa momente duke i shfletuar faqet e mia......
Jam munduar qe t'iu ofroj disa materiale dhe te dhena nga jeta ime private shpresoj te terheqin interesin tuaj gjate eksplorimit te faqes......

Ne kete faqe mund te shikoni Homepage.....
e Nese doni ti shihni fotot e mia klikoni ne (FOTOT E MIA), nese nuk doni mbyllni syte hehehehehe............


Hi everybody and welcome to IsmetĀ“s Home Page

In this page you are going to see something about myself

Hey you.....yes you....
For all of you who already know me, you may learn something that you didn't already know he he he

And if you wanna see more, then don't forget to click on my photo link on the bottom of this page!

I hope you are going to have some fun on my homepage.........

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